Anal. Methods Environ. Chem. J. 6 (4) (2023) 52-64
Research Article, Issue 4
Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemi s try Journal
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Design of sludge drying package pilot for removal of
excess sludge in petrochemical indus tries: Heavy metals
determination in sludge by polarography and atomic
absorption spectrometry
Mos tafa Hassani a,b* and Bahareh Azemi Motlaghc
a Department of Applied Chemis try, Faculty of Science, Islamic Azad University,
South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
b Member of the Research Council of Sablan Petrochemical Indus tries Company, Assaluyeh. Iran
c Mas ter of Environmental Management, Faculty of Natural Resource and Environment, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
In this research, according to the high amount of sludge in a
petrochemical company, an iron package type of drying sludge bed
was made/designed with carbon s teel. Then, the drying sludge pond
was lled with layers of sand with dierent mesh sizes. The excess
sludge from the sedimentation pond was passed over this bed, and
the amount of sludge removed by the bed was obtained at %96. The
values of heavy metal and microbial forms were determined using
the proposed method based on activated sludge after was tewater
treatment. For the validation process, 10 mL of deionized water
(DW) was mixed with 1.0 g of dried sludge with pure nitric acid (2%
HNO3), and then the solid phase was ltered with the Whatman lter
(WF). The concentration of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo,
Ni, Co, Se, Zn) in the remaining solution of sludge (mg kg-1) and
was tewater (µg L-1) was extracted/ separated based on sulfur-doped
graphene oxide adsorbent (SDGO) by solid-phase microextraction
procedure (SPME) before being determined by the ame and hydride
generation atomic absorption spectrometry (F-AAS; HG-AAS) which
had similar range to the polarography analysis. The limit of detection
(LOD), linear range (LR) and preconcentration factor (PF) for (As,
Hg) and (Cd, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Co, Se, Zn) were obtained (0.016 µg
L-1; 3.3 µg L-1), (0.05-10 µg L-1; 10-1000 µg L-1), and 10.0 by HG-
AAS and F-AAS, respectively.
Bed design,
Was tewater,
Heavy metals,
Atomic absorption spectrometry,
Received 16 Aug 2023
Revised form 20 Oct 2023
Accepted 24 Nov 2023
Available online 29 Dec 2023
*Corresponding Author: Mos tafa Hassani
1. Introduction
Was tewater treatment is always associated with
producing two parts: sewage and sludge. Euent after
secondary treatment is often of favourable quality
for discharge into the environment, while sludge
requires treatment and s tabilization due to its high
pollution load. Was tewater treatment concentrates the
impurities and pollutants in them and separates them
from the liquid phase. The detached part contains a
high concentration of contaminants and undesirable
subs tances that mus t be puried appropriately. This
part is generally called sludge. In a was tewater
treatment plant, sludge treatment and s tabilization
facilities are far more sensitive, specialized, and
expensive than other units. So, sludge treatment
and disposal devices usually account for 40 to 60
percent of the cons truction cos t and up to 50 percent
of the operation cos t of a treatment plant, creating a
signicant share of the operational problems related
to this facility. Based on this, special attention should
be paid to the technical and economic optimization
of sludge purication and s tabilization methods [1].
The main technology in was tewater treatment is
removing organic matter by biological oxidation. The
nal products of this process are new cells (sludge),
carbon dioxide, soluble microbial products, and
water. The activated sludge process is widely used
worldwide in municipal and indus trial was tewater
treatment. The daily production of excess sludge from
the conventional activated sludge process is about 15
to 100 litres per kilogram of BOD5 removed, which
contains more than 95% water [2]. Since the sludge
produced as a was te material mus t continuously
be discharged into the environment economically,
biomass production is of economic importance.
Nowadays, the solutions to minimize excess sludge
production in the activated sludge process are
becoming very practical. Therefore, it seems necessary
to review the methods used to reduce the sludge
production from the activated sludge process on an
indus trial scale [3]. Until now, the main techniques are
the aerobic process with anaerobic sedimentation [4],
activated sludge process combined with ozonation
[5], sludge retention time control and its biological
decomposition [6], and high dissolved oxygen process
[7] for the management of excess sludge produced
in the activated sludge process has been reported.
Since the disposal of excess sludge from purication
sys tems in the environment is done either as compos t
(fertilizer) or as landll, the presence of heavy metal
pollution plays an important and inuential role in
its disposal because the entry of heavy metals into
the soil and the s tructure of plants, it will eventually
appear in the human body through diusion in water
and dus t. Heavy metals such as arsenic (skin cancer)
[8-9], cadmium (lung cancer) [10-11], copper (kidney
and liver failure) [12], lead (des troying the nervous
sys tem) [13], mercury (congenital abnormalities)
[14-15], molybdenum (hyperactivity and convulsion
factor) [16], nickel (cardiovascular abnormalities)
[17] and selenium (kidney and liver des truction)
[18] which are considered a serious threat to human
health. There are many methods for determining
and extracting heavy metals from dierent matrixes.
Recently, some adsorbents such as nano graphene
oxide modied phenyl methanethiol nanomagnetic
composite, Fe3O4-supported naphthalene-1-thiol-
functionalized graphene oxide (SH-GO), CysSB/
MetSB@MWCNTs, task-specic ionic liquid
immobilized on multi-walled carbon nanotubes
(TSIL-MWCNTs), functionalized multi-walled
carbon nanotubes (F-MWCNTs), MWCNTs@
DMP, nitrogen-doped porous graphene adsorbent
(NDPG), immobilization of N-acetylcys teine on
MWCNTs, thiol modied bimodal mesoporous
silica (HS-UVM7), and palladium embedded on
the mesoporous silica (Pd-MSN) were used for
extraction and determination heavy metals in dierent
Therefore, in this research, the design and cons truction
of a pilot sludge drying reactor to dispose of the
excess sludge of petrochemical indus tries (methanol)
and measure the amount of fecal coliforms, and heavy
metals such as cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, cobalt
and zinc (Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co, Zn were determined
by polarography (VT). Also, after treatment in the
resulting sludge, Hg, As, Se, Mo plus Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni,
Co, and Zn were determined by F-AAS and HG-AAS.
2. Experimental
2.1. Ins trumental
Polarography is an electrolysis technique in which
micro-electrodes are performed at a solution’s
dropping mercury electrode (DME). The polarography
device measured the heavy metals (Metrohm model
VA Computrace 797, Swiss) by the anodic s tripping
voltammetry (ASV) mode. The results are achieved
as a current–voltage curve (CVC). Polarography or
voltammetry technique (VT) determines ion
species based on loss or take electrons at the surface of
a DME at an optimized potential. Electrode surfaces
are used for inorganic and organic compounds.
Polarography is used for heavy metal analysis (Cd, Cu,
Pb, Ni, Co, Zn) in high sludge concentrations (mg kg-
1), but it cannot determine the low concentration of less
Sludge drying package and heavy metals analysis in sludge Mos tafa Hassani et al
than ppm. The Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
had more sensitivities (DL<0.1 mmol L-1) compared
to polarography (DL>0.1 mmol L−1). In analytical
applications, the alternating current (AC) mode has
more sensitivities than the direct current (DC)
polarography, but it is better to use the FAAS for a low
detection limit. In this work, we used polarography/
VT and F-AAS /HG-AAS for high and low values
of heavy metals in sludge. The cold vapor-atomic
absorption spectrometer (CV-AAS) was used for
trace determination of mercury in the water samples
(HG-3000, GBC, Aus). The NaBH4 reagents and a
reaction loop were used for mercury determination
by CV-AAS. The linear ranges (LR) and the detection
limit (LOD) of mercury were obtained between 1-60
μg L-1 and 0.25 μg L-1, respectively, by open quartz
cell of CV-AAS. The wavelength, the current lamp
and the slit of mercury HCL were tuned at 253.7 nm,
3 mA and 0.5 nm, respectively, by AAS (peak area).
The HG-AAS was also used for arsenic determination
in water samples. Other heavy metals such as Cd,
Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Se, Co and Zn were determined by
ame atomic absorption spectrometer (F-AAS, GBC
932 plus, Autosampler, Air/Acetylene). The mean
LOD and LR for Cd, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni, Se, and Zn
were obtained from 50-100 µg L-1 and 0.1-10 mg L-1,
respectively. A pH meter determined the sample pH
(Metrohm AG 744, Switzerland).
2.2. Reagents and Materials
The dierent layers used in the designed bed consis t
of sand with dierent meshes, which are very
economical. All reagents, such as nitric acid (Sigma,
CAS No.: 7697-37-2, 65%) and sodium hydroxide,
were purchased from Sigma and Merck (Germany).
The s tandard solutions of arsenic, cadmium, copper,
lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and
zinc (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Co, Se, Zn) were
purchased from Sigma, Germany. The dierent
s tandard solutions of heavy metals were prepared
by amounts of metal salt as 1000 mg L-1 solution by
dissolving in HNO3 (2%). The sample pH was adjus ted
using proper buer reagents of sodium acetate (CAS
No.: 6131-90-4, CH3COO-Na/CH3COOH) for pH
3 to 7.5. Pure GO (CAS No.: 1034343, CxHyOz)
prepared from Sigma Aldrich, Germany. Sodium
sulphite (CAS No.: 7757-83-7, Na2S) was purchased
from Merck, Germany.
2.3. Synthesis of sulfur-doped graphene oxide
The pure GO was prepared from Sigma, Germany.
Firs t, 5.0 mg of pure GO was dispersed in 10 mL
of DW and was sonicated for 30 min as suspension
material before adding 1.5 mL of Na2S (2%). The
mixture was shaken for 85 minutes at 95 °C, and
S-doped reduced graphene oxide was produced
(SDGO). Then, the SDGO adsorbent was cooled and
separated (25oC) by centrifuging. The nal product
was washed with DW many times and separated by
the Whatman lter. After drying for 2 hours in the
oven (70OC), the adsorbent is used for further work
Fig. 1. Synthesis of sulfur-doped graphene oxide by Na2S
Anal. Methods Environ. Chem. J. 6 (4) (2023) 52-64
Sludge drying package and heavy metals analysis in sludge Mos tafa Hassani et al
2.4. Characterization
The eld emission scanning electron microscopy
(FE-SEM), XRD, and FTIR analysis characterized
the S-doped graphene. FE-SEM images were
obtained with a JEOL JSM-IT500 device. X-ray
diraction (XRD, Hitachi, Japan, EA8000A model,
λ=1.5 Å) was used to analyze the crys talline
nanos tructures. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR)
spectra in the 400–4000 cm-1 range were achieved
by the IR-Anity-Shimadzu (Japan).
2.5. Description of the pilot
The designed drying sludge bed has an approximate
volume of 0.6 cubic meters and sand layers with
the size of sand from bottom to top (8 cm with 60
mm grain size, 6 cm with 18 to 25-grain size, 6 0
to 12 cm and 10 cm will be coarse grain sand). The
material of the pilot body is s tainless carbon with a
thickness of 3 mm (Fig.2).
2.6. General procedure
To disinfect the sludge, it is enough to heat it twice
at 60OC [21]. F-AAS and HG-AAS validated the
heavy metal analysis with a polarography device.
Firs t, 10 mL of DW was mixed with 1.0 g of dried
sludge with pure nitric acid (2% HNO3), and then
the solid phase was ltered with the Whatman lter
(WF). The heavy metals (M: As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg,
Mo, Ni, Co, Se, Zn) in 20 mL of the remaining
solution of sludge and was tewater (µg L-1) were
extracted based on 30 mg of SD-rGO as solid-phase
microextraction procedure (SPME) at pH 6.5 and
then heavy metals back-extracted from adsorbent
with eluent (1.0 mL, HNO3, 0.5 M) before being
determined by the ame and hydride generation
atomic absorption spectrometry (F-AAS; HG-AAS)
after dilution up to 2.0 mL with DW. The results
showed heavy metal concentrations were like the
VT analysis after sample treatment. For the VT,
10 g of each drying sludge or sludge sample was
prepared with 60 mL of 3.0 M of HNO3 for 2 hours
of s tirring. Finally, the samples were vacuum ltered
(200 nm, Watman lter) and put into Cole-Parmer
Essentials Plus Class A (100 mL, Canada), which
was kept at 0oC before determining heavy metals.
An aliquot of 0.1 mL of each sample was diluted
up to 200 mL with DW for the VT measurements.
The dilution solution was put into the voltammetry
cell before being degassed by Ar/N2 for 25 minutes.
Then, heavy metal ions (M: Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co,
Fig.2. Image of the pilot design of the sludge dryer bed of the current project
Zn) were deposited for 2.5 minutes at −1.2 V under
s tirring. (Fig.3) After 0.5 minutes, as equilibration
time, the potential was scanned from −1.2 to 0.2 V
by the anodic s tripping voltammetry (ASV) mode (5
and 30 mV in square wave). Before peak integration,
the VT software acquired baseline subtraction.
2.6.1.Measurement of sludge heavy metals with
Voltammetry is an electrochemical method that, by
measuring the amount of current in terms of potential
changes in a three-electrode set, provides the
possibility of qualitative and quantitative analysis
of heavy metals in water and was tewater samples.
This method is called polarography in special cases
where the working electrode and a mercury drop
electrode are used. This method allows qualitative
and quantitative analysis of metals such as zinc,
lead, tin, iron, nickel, cobalt, chromium, cadmium,
etc. with high reproducibility. After equilibration
time, the potential was scanned from −1.2 to 0.2 V
by the anodic s tripping voltammetry (ASV) mode.
2.6.2.Measurement of sludge heavy metals with AAS
All sample solutions were treated using SD-rGO
adsorbent as an SPME procedure at pH 6.5. Then,
after the back-extraction of heavy metals from
SD-rGO adsorbent and dilution with DW, the
concentrations of heavy metals were determined
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. FTIR spectra of SDGO
the FT-IR spectra of SD-rGO are shown in
Figure 4. Based on the FT-IR spectrum, the peaks
at 3458 cm−1 related to s tretching vibrations of
Fig.3. Procedure for extraction and determination of heavy metals by polarography and F-AAS
Anal. Methods Environ. Chem. J. 6 (4) (2023) 52-64
-OH groups, 1628 cm−1 observed the carbonyl
group(C=O), 1588 cm−1 peak showed carbon
binding (C=C) and 1402 cm−1 are attributed to
O=C–C bonding groups. Further, the peaks at 1201
cm−1, 892 cm−1 and 575 cm−1 are related to the
vibrations of C–S–C, C–S and C=S, respectively.
The sulphur ions in Na2S (negative charge) are
absorbed with the carbonyl group (C=O) by the
nucleophilic subs titution mechanism.
3.2. XRS analysis
The XRD analysis of the pris tine GO sheets and the
SD-rGO sheets (2% sulphur doping) were obtained
in Figure 5. Due to the XRD patterns, 30 mg of GO
Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of SD-rGO adsorbent
Fig.5. XRD Analysis of SD-rGO adsorbent
Sludge drying package and heavy metals analysis in sludge Mos tafa Hassani et al
sheets have a sharp diraction peak at =10.24°
with an interlayer spacing of ~ 8.66 Å, related to
the oxygen functional groups between graphene
sheets. The SD-rGO adsorbent peaked at =
24.21° associated with an interlayer spacing of ~
3.55 Å. Thus, the XRD results showed the s tructural
res toration of the graphitic during the hydrothermal
3.3. SEM of SD-rGO adsorbent
The SEM of GO and SD-rGO is shown in Figure
6. The size of GO and SD-rGO was between 35-
100 nm. In images, the SD-rGO is in the nanometer
range, and functionalization of S- did not result in
aggregation of rGO. The images showed that the
functionalization sulphur on rGO does not change
the general s tructure and morphology of rGO.
3.4. Sludge volume measurement
To determine the amount of sludge volume, the SVI
criterion with the name of the sludge volume index
will be used. In this method, a 100 mL cylinder
of the sample is poured, and after 30 minutes, its
sedimentation rate is measured. It is ltered by
lter paper and dried in an oven at a temperature
of 105oC, and the weight of the dry sludge is
put into the following formula and calculated as
the SVI [32]. (SVI: Sludge rate per 30-minute
sedimentation rate)
3.5. Pilot control of sludge bed dryer
At this s tage, rs t, the cons tructed sludge bed will
be loaded with 200 litres of excess sludge from
the sedimentation pond, whose volume index has
already been measured, and the volume index of
the output sludge will also be measured. Then, the
pond is exposed to the ambient air for 120 hours to
dry the sludge. The amount of heavy metals arsenic,
cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum,
nickel, cobalt, and selenium is measured on it by a
polarography and AAS device.
3.6. Optimization of pH, amount of adsorbent
and sample volume for extraction in sludge
For ecient extraction of heavy metals, the
amount of SD-rGO adsorbent between 5-50 mg
has been examined in sludge samples by heavy
metal concentration between 0.05-10 µg L-1 for
Hg/As and 10-1000 µg L-1 for Cd/Cu/Pb/ Mo/
Ni/Se/Zn. The results showed that the maximum
extraction of heavy metal ions in sludge samples
Fig.6. SEM of GO (Right) and SD-rGO (left)
Anal. Methods Environ. Chem. J. 6 (4) (2023) 52-64
was achieved at 30 mg of SD-rGO adsorbent at
optimized conditions (Fig.7). The pH is the main
factor for extracting heavy metals by SD-rGO
adsorbent. Therefore, the various pH levels from
2 to 12 were s tudied in sludge samples through the
buer solutions. Due to the result, the bes t pH for
Cd/Cu/Pb/Ni/Co/Zn concentration was obtained at
6.5 in sludge samples (Fig.8).
Fig.7. The eect of the amount of SD-rGO adsorbent on the extraction of heavy metals
Fig. 8. The eect of pH on the extraction of heavy metals by the SD-rGO adsorbent
Sludge drying package and heavy metals analysis in sludge Mos tafa Hassani et al
The extraction recoveries were decreased at less
than a pH of 5 and more than 7. Also, the bes t
volume for extraction was obtained at 20 mL. The
various eluents such as HNO3, HCl, and H2SO4
were used for back extraction of heavy metal ions
from SD-rGO adsorbent. At low pH, the covalence
bonding in S-Metal was broken, and metals were
released in eluents. So, the procedure used the
eluents (HNO3, HCl, and H2SO4) with dierent
volumes and concentrations (0.2-0.8 mol L-1, 0.2-2
mL). The results showed the HNO3 (1 mL, 0.5 M)
had maximum recovery.
3.7. Analysis in real samples
Table 1 shows the amount of SVI of the input and
output of the sludge dryer. According to this table,
the eciency of removing SVI from the bed input
has been 96% [33,34]. Table 2 and Figure 9 relate
to the analysis of heavy metals in the output bed
sludge by the polarography (Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Co,
Table 1. SVI of inlet and outlet was tewater sluge dryer
sewage inlet bed
sewage outlet bed
Table .2 Concentration of heavy metals in dried sludge by polarography
and F-AAS (mg kg-1)
Heavy Metals Polarography F-AAS HG-AAS
As ----- ----- 0.048
Cd 0.041 0.039 -----
Cu 36.33 35.72 -----
Pb 0.096 0.101 -----
Hg ----- ----- 0.801
Mo ----- ----- 0.053
Ni 6.27 6.39 -----
Se ---- 0.028 -----
Zn 8.69 8.92 -----
Co 5.23 5.18 -----
Table 3a. The amount of diges tive and fecal coliform in dried sludge
Types of pathogens
(MPN/100 mL)
Fecal coliforms191
Total coliforms383
MPN: Fecal coliform of organisms per 100 mL of sample water.
Maximum Acceptable Concentration for Drinking Water = no detected coliforms in
100 mL water.
Table 3b. S tandard concentration of pathogens in biological solids [35].
Types of pathogens
(MPN/100 mL)
Fecal coliforms191
Total coliforms400
MPN: Fecal coliform of organisms per 100 mL of sample water.
Maximum Acceptable Concentration for Drinking Water = no detected coliforms in
100 mL water.
Anal. Methods Environ. Chem. J. 6 (4) (2023) 52-64
Table 4. S tandard concentration and loading rate of biological solids for use on land [35].
(mg kg-1)
(mg kg-1)
loading rate
(mg kg-1)
loading rate
(mg kg-1)
Fig. 9. Determination of heavy metals by the polarography (ASV mode)
Cu) and F-AAS. Also, the amount of diges tive and
fecal coliform in dried sludge and the s tandard
concentration of pathogens in biological solids
[35] are shown in Tables 3a and b. The s tandard
concentration and loading rate of biological
solids for use on land as sludge environmental
s tandards are shown in Table 4 [35]. According
to the results of Table 1, the dry sludge bed made
in this research has a sludge removal eciency
of %96. The comparison of Tables 2 and 4 shows
that the amount of heavy metals in the resulting
sludge is by the environmental s tandards for use
on the ground, and in this sense, there is no threat
to the environment. On the other hand, comparing
the results of microbiological analyses (Table 3a
and 3b) with microbiological s tandards conrms
the microbial s tandard of sludge. Therefore, the
surplus sludge from this sys tem can be used as
compos t in the green space with current conditions
and disinfection at 60 degrees Celsius.
Sludge drying package and heavy metals analysis in sludge Mos tafa Hassani et al
4. Conclusion
Managing and controlling excess sewage sludge
will be an important approach to preserving the
environment and the health of living organisms
in applications such as the cement indus try and
agriculture. Therefore, its purication is done
by the methods of concentration, diges tion, and
dehydration, and its monitoring will prevent the
entry of dangerous chemicals, such as heavy
metals, into the environment. Therefore, in this
research, a metal drying sludge package with an
approximate capacity of 0.7 cubic meters with a
bed of sand (8 cm with 60 mm grain size, 6 cm with
18 to 25-grain size, 6.0 to 12 cm and 10 cm will be
coarse grain sand) was designed and built, which
could reach 96% Physically remove excess sewage
sludge. Considering the importance of the amount
of heavy metals in the sludge, the concentration of
these metals in the sludge obtained from the dryer
sludge package was measured by polarography
(ASV; ranges from 0.041 to 36.33 mg kg-1) and
atomic absorption methods (F-AAS, HG-AAS;
ranges from 0.028 to 35.72 mg kg-1). The results
showed that the concentration of heavy metals
in the resulting sludge is equal to s tandards and
indicates the high-eciency removal by packages
(n=10, AAS: RSD<3% and CV: RSD<7%). Among
the advantages of this package, we can mention the
economical and changeable adsorbent bed so that
in future research, we can use the method of sludge
pretreatment with nanoabsorbents and change the
bed of the dry sludge package to a large extent. So,
the dierent amounts of heavy metals in the sludge
are removed based on the changeable adsorbent
bed. The package absorbed and removed the water
coming out of the bed. As a result, this subs trate
can be widely used in the sewage indus try due to its
small volume and high sludge removal eciency.
5. Acknowledgments
We are grateful for the unques tionable eorts of Mr.
Farid Nikpour, Behnam Khodabakhshi, Ruhollah
Asadi, Sajjad Kiyani, Yunes Koravand, and
Habibullah Tahmasebi in designing and building
the pilot package.
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