Research Article, Issue 1
Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemistry Journal
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1. Introduction
In recent decades, the various pollutants are
being detected in urban areas which are mainly
caused by fossil fuel components. They include
a wide spectrum of hydrocarbons. The aromatic
hydrocarbons are either bio-chemically or
biologically active and are potentially carcinogenic
or are by-products of benzene. Many of the recent
researches indicate the adverse effects of benzene
on human health. Although VOCs are quite
important, there have been few studies conducted in
this regard in Tehran metropolitan [1-2]. The main
emphasis has been on measurement, monitoring
and control of VOCs in the last 10 years. The
concentration of hydrocarbons in Tehran is much
higher than other cities in the world (the benzene
and butadiene 1 & 3 levels in Tehran are 10 and 18
times the permissible standards). [2].
Amongst the hydrocarbons, benzene due
* Corresponding Author:A. Mirzahosseini
Seyed Alireza Hajiseyed Mirzahosseinia,*
a Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
Environmental Health Analysis: Assessing the emission levels of
benzene from the fuel tanks doors of the vehicles in Tehran city
A R T I C L E I N F O:
Received 16 Nov 2018
Revised form12 Feb 2019
Accepted 30 Feb 2019
Available online 19 Mar 2019
Volatile Organic Compounds
Benzene emission
Domestic cars
Analysis of benzene in Air
In this study, 350 vehicles in 20 different models were examined in one
of Tehran’s Automobile Technical Inspection Centers. The laboratory tests
indicate that longtime exposure to benzene has destructive effects on the
blood cells, especially the bone-marrow cells. The concentration levels of
benzene caused by the emission of gasoline vapors from fuel tanks doors
were measured by PhoCheck EX5000 during a 5 to 15-minute interval for
each car. The results indicate that the concentration of benzene caused by
the emission of gasoline vapors from the fuel tanks door of the domestic
cars was 10 times higher than the imported cars. In most of the imported
cars, the amount of benzene in the three measured areas was negligible. This
is due to the use of new technology and adaptation of strict environmental
standards by the manufacturing country.
Emission levels of benzene from the fuel tanks; Seyed Alireza Hajiseyed Mirzahosseini
Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemistry Journal Vol 2 (2019) 49-54
50 Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemistry Journal; Vol. 2 (2019)
to its carcinogenic effects has an especial
importance. The main sources of benzene
emission in Tehran are the motor vehicles
and the gas stations (due to the evaporation
of fuel and lack of the fume control system).
Majority of the vehicles in Tehran are run
on gasoline and regrettably, their consumed
gasoline has high benzene content (about
5% of the weight). Moreover, most of the
automobiles manufactured domestically lack
environmental standards. They can only attain
Euro 2 Standard that was ratified in 1996.
This is done through modifications in their
appearance and the pollution control systems.
Meanwhile, the production lines of reference
companies like Peugeot 405 and Kia Pride
have stopped abroad more than a decade ago.
It is important to point out that the two major
auto manufactures of Iran, namely SAIPA and
Iran Khodro assemble the decade-old products
of the aforesaid companies. [2]
Various studies are conducted on the effect
of domestically produced fuel and vehicles’
quality on air pollution. Similar researches
are conducted in Brazil and Pakistan.[ 3-4].
Batterman in 2005 studied the amount of
benzene emitted from the fuel tank. Based on
his measurements, the average level of benzene
emission was 2 milligrams per hour. For old
vehicles, this amount reached 62 milligrams
per hour. In this study, the replacement of the
gas cap and the washer of the fuel tank were
regarded as measures to reduce the amount of
evaporated fumes [5]. It is important to point
out that the Iranian and international standard
level of benzene in ambient air is 1.56 ppb
and in advanced countries like Japan is 0.69
ppb. For most countries in the world, the Euro
4 standard was used in 2005[6].
The laboratory tests indicate that longtime exposure
to benzene has destructive effects on the blood cells,
especially the bone-marrow cells. These effects
cause the reduction in production of bone-marrow
cells and anemia. The long term effect of benzene is
leukemia. Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
categorizes benzene in group A of carcinogenic
substances. Also, the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) refers to benzene as a
carcinogenic substance for humans[7-9].
2. Material and Methods
In this research, the benzene concentration is
measured by PhoCheck EX5000 equipment.
This device is portable and with the aid of Photo
Ionization Detector (PID) mechanism can measure
the benzene concentration level with high precision
(± 1 ppb). The PhoCheck takes samples from the
gasoline fumes with the flow rate of 220 millimeters
per minute. This device with its high precision
(ppb level) samples the benzene through a portable
laboratory chromatograph. It is important to point
out that Krypton lamp of 10.6 eV is used in this
device. One of the most important advantages of this
equipment is its approved technology to determine
the benzene concentration with the accuracy of 1
ppb to 10000 ppm as well as its good performance
in weathers ranging from -20 to 60 degrees[10].
In this study, 350 automobiles encompassing
20 models are examined in the Automobile
Technical Inspection Center of Tehran. The
benzene concentration due to the gasoline fume
is measured at three important spots namely,
the gas cap, muffler and inside the cabin during
a period of 5 to 10 minutes (for each car). It
Emission levels of benzene from the fuel tanks; Seyed Alireza Hajiseyed Mirzahosseini
is important to point out that all the cars were
tested for the fume emission, after they received
their certificate from the Technical Inspection
Center. All the Iranian made cars are required
to be inspected annually after the 2nd years of
production and obtain the certificate. For the
ease of study, 350 automobiles were divided
into two categories’ of imported and domestic
In most of the studied cars, there were three
protective valves for the gas cap (except the
Peugeot 206). The protective valve has a physical
function without being in direct contact with the
gasoline and its fumes. However, if the first valve
(which is in direct contact with the gasoline and the
fumes) fails, the leaked fumes would enter the small
chamber of the protective valve for subsequent
release to the atmosphere.
The second valve plays its role in controlling the
fumes and the overflow of gasoline. In most of the
domestically manufactured cars (except Renault
L90), this valve does not exist. Figure1 illustrates
the position of the three valves and the means to
measure benzene. During measurement, the engine
is off and only the protective valve is open. Since the
valve in Peugeot 206 is in one piece, only the space
between the chassis and the gas cap is sampled.
Unfortunately, in Peugeot 405 with carburetor, the
Table 1. The minimum, maximum and average concentration levels of benzene in 12 models of imported cars (the
amounts are in ppb)
Car Type Hyundai Nissan Mazda Gol Kia Zantia Roniz Cielo Toyota Prado Benz BMW
Average 0.03 0.98 0.21 0.86 0.16 0.34 2.34 0.57 0.68 0.12 0.15 0.1
Max 0.397 3.6 0.83 9.4 0.98 0.97 6.9 2.3 4.3 0.3 0.73 0.7
Min 0 0 0 0.82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fig. 1. Sampling method of the fuel tank, the protective valve, primary and secondary valves (if present)
3-Primary valve
2-Secondary valve
1-Protective valve
Protective valve
52 Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemistry Journal; Vol. 2 (2019)
gasoline fume was emitted from other parts of the
car (underneath the fuel tank and the engine).
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. concentration levels of benzene in 12 models
of imported cars
The imported automobiles consisted of 116
vehicles from 12 company models. The results
indicated that Gol (manufactured by Volkswagen)
has the highest amount of benzene leakage from
the gas cap. The average concentration of benzene
in this group is 86.5 ppb. The lowest concentrations
of benzene were detected in Hyundai, Kia,
Mercedes Benz, BMW and Prado in amounts of
0.03 ppb, 0.16 ppb, 0.15 ppb, 0.01 ppb and 0.12
ppb, respectively. It is important to point out that
Mercedes Benz and BMW models in 70 percent of
the cases registered zero concentrations (the best
condition). With respect to the fuel type (super and
regular gasoline), 28 percent of the samples used
were super unleaded gasoline (Octane number of
95) and 72 percent were regular unleaded gasoline
(Octane number of 87). The average age of the
vehicles in this classification was 3.8 years. About
65 percent of the sampled automobiles had less
than 3 years of operation.
In Table (1), the minimum, maximum and average
concentrations of benzene are provided. The
minimum amounts of measured benzene in all
models, except Gol, were zero. Gol model showed
the highest benzene leakage from the gas tank.
It is important to point out that the most important
reasons for the emission of benzene fumes in this
category are lack of tightening the gas cap and
over fueling (pumping too much gasoline into the
fuel tank). The average concentration of emitted
benzene from the fuel tank of the imported vehicles
(116 automobiles) is 0.96 ppb.
3.2. concentration levels of benzene in 8 models of
domestic vehicles
In the domestically manufactured auto category,
a total of 234 cars in eight various models are
investigated. Based on the results, Paykan and
Pride show the highest leakage of benzene from the
gas cap with the average benzene concentrations
of 21.76 and 86.43 ppb, respectively. It should be
pointed out that the average age of the examined
automobiles was 4.8 years, where 65% of the
sampled cars had less than 5 years of age. In regard
to the fuel type consumption, the super and regular
gasoline was used 22.2% and 77.8%, respectively.
The lowest concentrations of benzene are detected
in Rio and Peugeot 206 as 0.43 and 3.09 ppb,
respectively. It is important to mention that Peugeot
206 has registered zero concentration in over 35%
of its samples. Table 2 presents the minimum,
maximum and average benzene concentration.
It reveals that the minimum benzene concentration
in all models except Paykan was zero. The primary
Table 2. The minimum, maximum and average concentration of benzene in domestic vehicles in 8 models (measured
in ppb)
Car Type Tondar 90 Paykan Pars 405 206 Pride Samand Rio
Average 6.59 76.21 26.21 6.83 3.09 43.86 3.94 0.43
Max 38.2 296 151 59.6 51.5 295 7.35 1.95
Min 0 2.06 0 0 0 0 0 0
Emission levels of benzene from the fuel tanks; Seyed Alireza Hajiseyed Mirzahosseini
reasons for the emission of benzene fumes in this
group are technical defects of the primary gas
cap, lack of the secondary gas cap, over fueling
and lack of canister system. Also, about 9% of
the domesticated vehicles run on carburetors
whose average benzene concentration (in 234
automobiles) is 20.89 ppb. As it is shown in Table
2-2, the emission from the gas caps goes up as the
age of the vehicle increases.
4. Conclusions
Majority of the domestic cars emit high levels
of benzene from the gas cap, muffler and the
gas tank. The best and worst domestically
manufactured automobiles are Peugeot 206 and
Pride, respectively. The most prominent reasons for
high concentration of benzene in this category are
the lack of appropriate catalyst system, technical
defects in fuel system, and fuel leakage from the
gas cap. Amongst the imported car category, Kia
and Hyundai groups have the lowest emission of
benzene. In most of the imported cars, the amount
of benzene in the three measured areas was
negligible. This is due to the use of new technology
and adaptation of strict environmental standards by
the manufacturing country.
Based on the research results, the amount of benzene
concentration due to the leakage of gasoline fumes
from the gas cap in domestic cars is approximately
ten times higher than the imported cars. In Pride
models, the level of gasoline fume emission is
considerable and the benzene concentration is
15 times higher than Peugeot 206. Moreover, the
average benzene concentration from the emission
of gasoline fumes from the gas cap of the imported
cars is less than 6 ppb. However, this number for
much of domestic cars was higher than 6 ppb. Pride
is identified as the most polluting vehicle in the
domestic car category. The research results indicate
that the annual inspect of the gas tank, periodical
replacement of washer, and modification of the gas
cap system in the domestic cars have significant
impact on the reduction of gasoline fumes.
5. References
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